25 Lies Patriarchy Taught Me About Being a Woman

  • Men are more valuable than women.

  • I’m not smart enough to teach anyone but children.

  • Sex outside of marriage makes me a slut.

  • My body is a threat to men, and how they react to it is my fault.

  • Pleasing myself is selfish.

  • I’m unworthy to be loved.

  • What you can do or give renders your level of acceptance and worth.

  • Love comes with conditions.

  • Resting is lazy.

  • Others needs are more important than mine.

  • My body is my husbands sexual right.

  • Women are the root of all men’s issues, just look at the garden.

  • A male head or covering is a must for me to be protected.

  • I am unable to make my own decisions.

  • The mental load of the home is mine.

  • I am solely responsible for raising the children.

  • Divine femininity is a threat.

  • Divorce means you failed.

  • Abortion makes you a murderer.

  • Domestic abuse is the woman’s fault.

  • Marriage is only between a man and a woman.

  • I am weak.

  • My voice doesn’t matter.

  • My struggles with anxiety and depression are my fault because I lack faith.

  • God is a man.

Deconstructing the lies can be difficult and takes time. If you are walking this journey and are looking for support and encouragement know you are not alone, please reach out! These statements do not define the true you.

The journey between what you once were and who you are becoming is where the real beauty takes place, it is more about the unlearning then the learning that allows you to reclaim your power.


The Light of Love is Beautiful


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