How Can I Grow My Intuition Daily?
If you are longing to be able to better tap into and connect with your intuition, my advice to you is to practice using it daily. The more you use it and tap into it the easier it is to identify and trust. Here are five easy ways that you can grow your intuition daily. Pick one question each day and follow the guidance you receive. Remember your intuition will be positive, uplifting, affirming. It will not be condemning, ask you to do anything to hurt yourself or someone else, nor will it be unkind.
1) Ask your intuition to help you answer simple everyday questions.
Which traffic lane should I be in?
Which grocery line?
What should I wear today (or what is going to make me feel my best to wear today)?
This has been fun and we have done this as a family when we are together. Like which lane are you feeling in the drive through will be fastest? Or which store do you think we will find (fill in the blank) we need at the best price. It makes it a game and younger kids love it and you can get instant feedback if you are right on most of them.
2) Ask your intuition what your soul and body are needing the most today.
What is my soul craving for today?
What is one thing by body would like for me to know today?
What is one thing you want me to know for today?
This is especially helpful if you have little time or energy. I use this quite a bit in my own life because it’s been very helpful in taking care of myself, mentally, physically, and socially. My intuition knows me better than I know myself at times so asking what I truly need and am craving has been so beneficial.
3. Ask for guidance on your soul’s purpose and calling.
What is one step I can take today to fulfill my soul’s purpose?
You don’t have to know the end game yet either, just do the next step.
During a retreat that I attended I was given a random puzzle without the box or final picture, and we had to put it together. We didn’t get to see what anyone else’s looked like as we went to our own separate spots to put them together. The exercise for me was life changing because as I opened my puzzle, I realized that there actually was no picture on the majority of my pieces they were just the cardboard shapes.
I am not one to quit so I tried and tried to get the puzzle together. When I finally was so frustrated and pissed off, I remembered that I could ask the divine wisdom in me for help. So, I did, not to happy with myself that, that wasn’t my first idea. What I heard was this. “Julie, you were never meant to be able to put this puzzle together because you don’t need to know the final picture, or you will try to get there by yourself. I was reminded that this is a dance with the divine and we are in it together. She was right if I knew the end game I would have tried to plan, prepare, and achieve it without seeking for help just like I did with that puzzle.
When we all gathered again as a group, everyone was sharing about their puzzles and how amazing their pictures on them where and how they spoke to them. Not ONE person was unable to put their puzzle together and no one was missing the pictures off the pieces. After it was over, I asked the facilitator why mine was missing the pictures. She said, “Well it rained the last retreat, the puzzle must have gotten wet, and the pictures peeled off. We just didn’t notice it at the time.”
Our inner knowing can and does use anything and everything to speak to us. -Julie Batchos
4) Tap into your intuition for help with difficult decisions or situations.
Ask for guidance or a specific sign on an issue you are having that you would like additional insight on.
When I was thinking about quitting my job last year to return home to my family and Life Coaching, I remember asking for a sign so that I would know it was time. I had never quit a job before in my life and even thinking of doing so was making me feel like a failure. That week I had a meeting with my boss via zoom. He was yelling at me so loud that my husband heard from the basement and came running upstairs to see what was wrong. When I hung up my husband said to me, no manager or boss should ever speak to or treat an employee that way. Since he has been a manager for 10 years and is an amazing manager loved by his employees, I listened.
I recognized that staying was what would make me a failure because I could not allow that level of toxic behavior continue, so I put in my two weeks’ notice and my boss never talked to me again after that day. He only sent me emails, which was just another confirmation and blessing I did the right thing.
5) Ask your intuition how you can help or encourage someone else.
What is something my husband, child, etc., needs that I can do for them today.
Show me one person today that needs a smile or kind word.
Show me the card/present that would bring the most joy for this birthday, baby shower, etc.
Every year a group I’m in on Facebook does a secret sister gift exchange. We don’t know each other, there are over 1,000 women on it. The rules are $20 or less and to pick out a gift using your intuition or divine wisdom. This year when I sought my intuition on what to get her, I was led to send a set of beautiful white mala or prayer beads. When she received them, she texted me thanking me for them because she had been wanting some for a while and hadn’t bought any for herself yet.
Your intuition wants you to utilize the wisdom it carries. No question is to small or too large. When we are fully able to tap into and trust our intuition we can walk in peace and assurance that we are on the right path.
Meet the Author
Julie Batchos is a gifted intuitive, spirit messenger, animal communicator, practitioner of energy and sound, plus a powerful holistic wellness coach. With over 16 years of experience in the holistic wellness field, Julie is also a seasoned author and spiritual teacher. Her extensive knowledge and unique skills, combined with her intuitive abilities, empower her clients to create profound and lasting transformations within themselves.
Julie is certified in various energy healing modalities including Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Access Bars©, Tuning Fork Therapy, Sound Healing, Vocal Alchemy, Crystal and Aromatherapy Support. Julie’s expertise extends worldwide as she shares her knowledge and unique skill set at spiritual conferences.
Prior to becoming a Board Certified Transformational Life Coach and Holistic Wellness Coach, Julie was an ordained spiritual minister, and also earned her Masters Degree in Education. She currently resides in Haymarket with her husband, 4 children, and 2 beloved fur babies.