The Light of Love is Beautiful

You cannot see the beauty of who you are because your focus is solely on the exterior being housing the true you. This exterior suit is one of many that you have worn over lifetimes, male, female, young, old, human, animal.  All have housed the very essence of who you are.  You are limiting yourself by only basing your value on this exterior shell, because you my love are so much more. Even those around you see it better than you allow yourself to.  They see deeper into who you are, than what you allow yourself to believe.

Why can you not see and believe those things that others see as defining the true you.  Are you not Kind? Nurturing? Selfless? Are you not Intelligent? Passionate? Creative? Amazingly Beautiful? Are you not all those things and so much more? Your compassion, your love for those hurting, your desire to uplift and encourage everyone around you, those are the things people see about you.  Your strength, your determination, your love.

What is it that is keeping you from being able to believe all of this? What is stopping you from seeing your true value and worth.  Fear? Fear of accepting that truth of who you are, because when you accept it, when you believe you are more powerful than what you ever imagined, your world will change. It is that fear of change that is stopping you. You can continue to stifle your power, suppress your gifts, and fit into the little box the world tells you is acceptable but, in that process, you will lose yourself, you will never find your joy, you will not fit in because you were never meant to.

Being liked and fitting in was never your path in this world, for when you shine it brings the darkness of others into the light and calls to them to grow and heal.  Those who are not ready, who are unwilling, see you as a threat, dangerous, damaged. This is through no fault of your own, it isn’t you they are reacting to, it is the truth you carry inside that they dislike. This is nothing new, it has been going on since before time began. 

You are not meant to control or be responsible for how other people react to your light, you are only meant to allow it to shine, unobstructed. To light up those places of darkness in others, those places calling out to them for healing.

Your job was never to heal others, even though you are a healer. It is only to unashamedly share your unique story, your personal truth, and to shine your light on the path of your own healing journey so that others can also find their way.  


The Silencing of Women


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