We Are All Source

Listen to me read, We Are All Source, and hear the songs of nature mixing in organically with the poem. I recorded myself reading this outside on my deck and when I played it back I was blessed with a symphony of sounds accompanying me. Enjoy!


We Are Source

We each have a piece of source within us.

Together, as one, we are all source.

We get to choose to recognize and shine it, or fear and hide it.

We shine by walking in our authentic truths, which requires courage, empathy and trust.

We hide it because we are afraid of exposing ourselves to the level of vulnerability it requires to walk in the fullness of our truth.

Hiding it to fit in, to gain acceptance and approval. Yet, who are they approving? It’s not the real you.

Until you unapologetically shine, you will never feel the joy of authentic relationships. You will always be dimming yourself, forever apologizing for that which makes you truly great.

The world is waiting for those brave enough to answer the maidens call for true authenticity.

The world is waiting for those loving enough to answer the mothers call to the true nurturers.

The world is waiting for those strong enough to answer the crone’s call to guide with the wisdom of life times past.

Can you hear it? She is calling.


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