There are days I look around and wonder how we get to this place as a society? My heart breaks at the disconnection we are walking in, so far away from our true nature of connection as humans. We have embraced the sirens call of continuous busyness, relentless striving for material wealth, and perpetual fighting to achieve for far to long. We have forgotten the lost art of authentic connection, empathy and true intimacy, that our souls are starving for.

It is easy to become stuck focusing on all of the negative things in society, however I believe the only way above it is to be brave enough to perceive that which our natural eyes can not see. We must tap into the divine knowledge and wisdom inside of us that is calling out asking you to answer a different call. For many this will mean learning how to connect to that which is within themselves. It will mean letting go of the comfortable and stepping out into the unknown. This is something that I am passionate about, and one of my favorite things to support others in learning.

Lens of a camera showing a different perspective of a cityscape

Individually, we can initiate the change the world requires, right where we are at. It doesn’t always have to be some large or public act. I believe what is stopping the swift progress of change is that many have been deceived into believing a soul’s calling or purpose must be some big thing by society’s standards in order to have meaning or value. This viewpoint sadly has caused many to overlook and embrace what their true calling is, deeming it as not enough before even venturing out to give it a try. These individuals are missing out on walking in their fullness and joy and the world is missing out on their own unique healing balm, the medicine that only they can deliver.

Don’t overlook the nudges of your heart. No matter how “small” the world may deem it, it may be the very catalyst to change. So, make that meal, pick up that phone, drop off those flowers, bake those cookies, give that compliment to the stranger, hold the door open, pick up the trash (even though it isn’t yours), care, engage, and believe that everyday acts can change the course of the world.

Are you ready to embrace your hearts passion and desire? Give me a call, the world has been waiting for your unique medicine for far to long!

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