What Do Colors Mean Spiritually? A Guide to Understanding and Unlocking Their Power
The universe sends us countless signs and signals to guide our journeys through life, and one of the most vibrant and beautiful ways is through colors. Colors surround us everywhere—each hue carrying unique spiritual meanings and energies. Whether they spark memories, emotions, or intuitive messages, colors have profound symbolic significance.
In this guide, we’ll explore the spiritual meanings of various colors, their connections to the chakras, and how you can use them for meditation and healing.
What Do Colors Mean Spiritually?
If you have joined me from my podcast, Into it with the Intuitive, welcome! This blog serves as a companion to our intuition activation exercise. Keep in mind the personal significance of the color you received during the activation as we explore its broader spiritual meaning.
Let’s dive into the spiritual messages behind each color.
The Spiritual Meaning of Colors
Practical Ways to Use Colors in Your Spiritual Practice
Meditation: Visualize the color filling the corresponding chakra while repeating its mantra.
Crystals: Use color-matching crystals to enhance energy (e.g., red jasper for grounding, yellow citrine for confidence).
Decor and Clothing: Surround yourself with colors in your environment or wardrobe to amplify their energy.
Daily Activities: Engage in activities tied to colors, such as walking barefoot on green grass or using blue in creative expression.
Unlock the Mysteries of the Aura
Ready to take your understanding of colors to the next level? Learn how to see and interpret your aura with my free Aura Guide. This guide includes practical exercises and insights to deepen your intuitive abilities.
Are you interested in learning how to further tap into your intuition and inner knowing?
Check out my podcast, Into it with the Intuitive, Season 1: Episode 2 has a specific color activation.