Wait, You're Not Perfect?

Perfect, are you perfect? What does perfect look like to you? Perfection looks differently for each of us as we all have our own idea or version of what perfection looks like for ourselves. In fact, many of us have lived our entire lives believing that we are not good enough because we do not fit into our own image of perfection. 

I challenge you to take a minute, right now and look, recognize, assess, what is your version of perfection. What do you need to accomplish, do, or become to be perfect?  

What did you discover? This image of perfection is what you have spent your life trying to attain. Many of us have made our version of perfection a moving object, never obtainable, we would reach one version and then morph it into a new version to obtain. 

When we are unable to meet our version of perfection, we feel shame, guilt, and condemnation for not being this version of ourselves we have created.  We believe that only when we have succeeded to become this image of perfection will we be _______. (You fill in the blank here it could be; happy, successful, beautiful, sexy, enough, etc.) 

We struggle to forgive ourselves for not being what we wish to be, or rather what we truly believe we should be.  We simply cannot forgive ourselves for not being perfect and then self judgement and condemnation come raging in. 

The way we judge and condemn ourselves is way worse than what any one person in our life has or could ever do.  If we are honest with ourselves, we will see that there is no one in our entire life that has abused us more than we have abused ourselves trying to meet this image of perfection. Let that sink in…..

We all long to be accepted and loved by others, but yet we can’t accept and love ourselves. Because of this no matter what anyone says or does we will never feel fully loved or accepted. The way we judge ourselves is so much worse than anyone could ever judge us, and the way we talk to ourselves, we would never think of speaking that way to another. 

Are you tracking with me on this? Do you struggle with self-love, perfection, worthiness? I know I do. Is your pursuit of your version of perfection stealing away happiness in your life?  Are you ready for a change?

Personally, for me the not enough feeling in my life is mainly stemmed around body image. I have struggled with this version of perfection most of my life, desperately trying to fit into my version of the perfect body.  Unfortunately, my striving for perfection didn’t just end with body, I also had versions of perfection for the perfect mom, wife, daughter and friend.

As a mom, my version of perfection looked like a cozy impeccably clean and organized home straight from a magazine, artistic lunches worthy of Instagram, healthy class snacks that took hours to prepare. I played the role of maid, banker, chef, chauffeur and more and each of these sub roles had a certain version of perfection I felt I needed to achieve as well. All in my attempt to feel enough.  Honestly, I’m exhausted just reading that list. 

So, what is it that is keeping you from being enough? Your looks, your weight, the amount in your bank account, the car you drive, having kids, not having kids, what is it, can you even identify it?

The way we judge ourselves is worse than anyone else ever could. Furthermore, the way we talk to ourselves, oh girl, would you ever say that to another person? 

Years of trying to be our own personal version of perfect drains our very energy, each day we are exhausted by trying to be our version of perfect and trying to compensate for not being it. 

Did this resonate with you? If so, the question is would you like to find a better way? If you feel you are ready and I want to personally invite you to join me for a free no obligation coaching call.

Much Love,



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