Upcoming Animal Communication Class

Wednesday, December 30th, 7pm est

Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking or feeling? Learn how in this fun interactive online class.

Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking or feeling?

Animal Communication is the ability to intuitively understand what our animal friends are conveying to us. This is an ability that we all are born with. Yes, each and every one of us! It is not a special gift for the chosen few – it is an innate ability that we all are born with and can all tap into.

Many have already experienced this form of communication with their animal friend and just haven’t recognized it. Have you ever “just known” that your animal isn’t feeling well, or that they are bored or could do with some more 1:1 time with you? Those are just some examples that you have already intuitively connected with your companion and are understanding the messages that they are sending to you. It is so easy to dismiss these hunches as coincidence or our imagination, but it’s not.

Just because many have forgotten or lost their innate ability to communicate with animals does not mean that you cannot get it back. It is a skill that can be re-learned with patience and practice.

Come learn, laugh, and connect in this online session that will provide tools and opportunities to connect with your pet/pets. (Bring a picture of your pet if you would like.)

This is a wonderful and precious opportunity to get to know each other better, and deepen the relationship that you have with your animal companions.

Julie Batchos is an intuitive and animal communicator who speaks telepathically to the animals. Her favorite clients are rescued pets – finding out why they are doing what they are doing as well as pets that have crossed over – helping to heal the human who is grieving their loss.

Attendees will have a chance to ask one question regarding their pet - whether here or those who have crossed over. Depending on the number of attendees, and constraint of time, not all participants may have their question answered.

Registration is $20 to attend; Zoom link provided upon registration.

Purchase your tickets for this online event here!


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