The Journey Back

When did it start? This self-loathing? This belief that who I was wasn’t enough? Not worthy they said, not acceptable, inherently bad.  Change who you are-fix it, do enough, be enough. I tried, and I tried, year after year of toil and turmoil-trying to be the perfection they insisted I must be. Fit in, belong, conform. All the while the me who they truly needed was dying inside. 


Walls crumbling, religion tumbling, foundations shattered, I stop. The dust settles around me and I breathe-deeply. Like the first time, except it’s not.  My life has shattered but I am standing Awakening, nothing has been left untouched.  The masks I wore, the scriptures they touted, the lies I believed, have fallen, around me, replaced by something more. Something I recognized but can’t quite remember, foggy, but my soul knows it well, it leaps inside me.


I start this journey back, back to myself, to my truth, my purpose, my calling. This is my awakening, to the wonderous beauty that I have always been. I have been called to be the Lighthouse for others awakening. So, I stand, shine, no longer dimming my light, no longer afraid of my voice. I will be real, raw, vulnerable, I will hold the space for others to


Many have journeyed this path before you, you are not alone. We are waiting here to meet you, to greet you, to embrace your authentic soul.  You are strong enough to remember, you can set yourself free.  Set your intention, find your purpose, it is calling to you, can you hear it? 



The Journey to Self-Compassion


What is your Life’s Purpose?