What is your Life’s Purpose?

Your Life’s purpose. It’s the thing you were created to do, the one thing that lights up your soul and makes you ooze with joy and satisfaction.  It has nothing to do with earthly things and everything to do with spiritual connection to your divine calling. 

Do you know what your life’s purpose is? Do you ever wonder what the heck you are doing here? I did, 8 years ago, I had lost who I was.  The business of a full-time job, being a mom, and wife, and trying to keep up had erased the person I use to know. I felt like there had to be more to life, then what I was living.  I sent a simple prayer out, I want the more, not even know what it was at the time.  That is when my journey began of discovering and eventually walking in my life’s purpose.  It wasn’t always easy I had to let go of what I had believed was true and real to find what really was. I lost a lot along the way, but I found myself, and I reclaimed my joy. 

Identifying your life’s purpose doesn’t have to be difficult.  We are naturally draw to the very things that answer that deep longing in our heart and are often unaware of it.  We have all gotten a glimpse of what it looks like to be walking in our purpose on one point in our lives whether we identified it as that or not. We felt that connection, experienced the surge, felt that fulfillment down in your very soul. 

I’ll be speaking at the Konnection Retreat May 29-31 on discovering your life’s purpose.  Join me as I invite you through some steps to help you identify your purpose as well as provide you a safe space to connect with the divine source within, the inner knowing, the unending wisdom we all carry.  It is that who will guide you back to the truth of who you were created to be. 

The event is pay what you can, and is packed with amazing speakers and activities. Find out more here


The Journey Back


Keeping it Real