9 Things Healers Are

Healers withhold judgement. There is no us and them mentality, no better or worse, no my way is right yours is wrong. Healers recognize that each persons journey is unique to them, and where they are and what they believe is exactly what they need at that point in time. They honor that truth and hold a for others to continue to grow.

Healers are compassionate. They see that we are all connected, we are all one. They understand that what I do to someone else I am doing to myself. They see the person behind the action and the soul longing to be seen and known. They see the heart.

Healers are present. Being present allows us to see what is happening in the now, not only for ourselves but also for those around us. It allows us to open the space for others to do the same. By encouraging them to let go of the past and release the future.

Healers value eye contact. Healers greet you with a smile, and hold your gaze. They realize how valuable it is for people to be seen on a deep level. So many people feel invisible, unknown as they trudge through their daily routine, when you encounter a healer you feel known, heard and valued. 

Healers love giving. Healers love helping others see their value, worth, and beauty. Wether it is giving of their time and talents or giving gifts, giving is their joy.

Healers offer hope. So many feel hopeless, especially in what we are navigating currently. Healers are a beacon of hope and can help to shift your perception of the now. They can help you see the positive possibilities which give hope and in turn help you heal.

Healers listen deeply. Healers listen without judgement, they recognize that advice is not welcome in those moments when you are looking to simply seen and heard. They hold that space with love and compassion.

Healers are real.  They know that being true and honest of their own struggles and journey help heal others. The recognize that only by healing themselves can they in turn help others heal. They share their truth to help others walk through their own. They are authentic and genuine and do not wear masks. 

Healers are intuitive. They know what isn't said. It's that knowing that allows them to help others heal on a deep level. Healers tap into their inner guidance and trust it completely. 

If you felt like this list descries you, or maybe you are looking to be seen and known on a deeper level, I'd love to connect.

Blessings, Julie 


The Courage to Release Control


Feelings are Messages from our Soul