Feelings are Messages from our Soul

"Feelings are messages from our soul-negative ones are a sign that something needs addressing inside of us. Your soul already knows that in order for the collective to heal, the individual must undergo the process of healing themselves." 

I got up this morning to this timely message in my inbox. It came at a time when I am feeling a bit depressed from the reality of life currently and the dreary weather. I am looking forward to my appointment with my own Spiritual Life Coach today. I have recognized that in order for me to best help others, I have to continue the work I'm doing on myself. I continue to address and work through old trauma and negative scripts that are blocking out the fullness of joy in certain areas of my life. 

Addressing negative emotions is not something anyone truly seems to enjoy and we have often been taught to repress such emotions, especially males. We can try to stuff them down deep to rid ourselves of them so we don't have to feel their pain, but one thing I know is that they find their way back to the surface. This often becomes a nasty cycle of repressing, arising, repressing, arising, each time they rearise however they gain strength. These emotions become louder, calling to us to not repress but to have the courage to process through them so that we can be free. 

There are many ways people find to self comfort themselves and avoid dealing with negative emotions: eating, drinking, shopping, gambling, cleaning, and more. Each of these substitutes or self attempts to feel better when these emotions arise may give us relief in the moment, but in the long run they do little in freeing us and those emotions will return eventually.

Only when we allow ourselves to embrace those emotions, to feel those emotions, to process through those emotions, and release them can we move forward. Often times we can not do this alone and we need help, we need someone to support us through it, someone who has walked this path before to help guide us. 

If this is where you find yourself, and you are ready to stop repressing the emotions your soul is calling to you to let go of I would be honored to walk with you. One thing I know is that if these emotions are rising up it is your soul telling you that you are ready to move past them, the question is will you allow yourself to do so.




9 Things Healers Are


Created in Love, By Love, For Love