The Courage to Release Control

“A healers power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”

E. Leventhal

We all have the ability to heal ourselves, it is there within us just waiting to be discovered and awakened. An Intuitive healer allows this energy of Spirit to flow through them in a way that guides, rejuvenates, encourages, and empowers others. They connect the mind, body, and heart so the soul can be set free. They can help you reconnect to the Divine (God, Source) within.

To be able to fully walk in my calling as an Intuitive Healer I know that I must continue to heal myself of my own fears and past wounds. That I must continue to seek Source for wisdom and direction to walk fully in Love.  Stepping into that place of willingness to heal takes courage, vulnerability, trust.  Taking that step of recognizing that things in your life are not how you want can feel uncomfortable and scary.   Ultimately though you recognize it’s time, it is time to let go of what is no longer serving you so that you can fully walk in joy and love.  

This can be a time of uncertainty, as many find it difficult through life’s own paint and hurt to trust the divine to uphold and support us. Intuitive healing sessions allow the safe space, support, and compassion that many need to process through and reconnect to the Divine within. 

Stress, betrayals, pain, shame, condemnation, and fear are just some of the blocks that stop us from fully walking in the joy that we are meant to.  Now, more than ever we are beginning to awaken to the fact that control does not serve our hearts. Control is the heart’s way of compensating for our own fear that we are alone, without support or guidance, but that fact is not true.  

There is a source that supports us, loves us, guides us and cares for us, a source that is calling to us to reconnect so that our fears can fall away. Only when we release our need for “control” do we open a space for Love to arise and ease our fears. 

I pray that you have the courage today to look at those areas of your life where your need to control is still actively stealing your joy.  I pray that you would recognize that which no longer is serving your greatest good and begin the journey of releasing it.


The Kollective


9 Things Healers Are