Created in Love, By Love, For Love

I believe we were created in LOVE, by LOVE, to experience LOVE. I believe that LOVE is without conditions, that LOVE, LOVE’S to LOVE me.  No Conditions, No Rules, No Checklist, just LOVE.

It’s not hard to find LOVE, it’s impossible to miss it!

LOVE (Source, GOD, Divine, He, She, Nature, whatever you name it, is constantly revealing itself to us, constantly calling out to us, drawing us to remember the truth of who we are, the reason why we are here, and the fullness of our life's purpose. Love is trying to connect with us in so many unique and different ways. Sometimes we forget to pause and take a moment to be aware of the many ways LOVE reveals and calls to us. Sometimes I catch myself falling back into my old religious thinking that there must be fear in LOVE, there must be conditions, but does not Love Cast out the fear? 

Spirit, for me, is my inner voice, my inner knowing, my inner compass, the piece of LOVE itself that LOVE put inside of me with my first breath reminding me of who I am. Drawing me gently, kindly back to awaken to the truth of LOVE, and to fully experience it in all the ways LOVE is calling me too. Our hearts are being drawn to a new beginning, a more that we don't quite understand, do you feel it? 

We can choose to embrace this call, to listen, to experience all the opportunities that it brings, or we cannot.  That does not mean LOVE ceases to LOVE us though. 

LOVE is safe, and kind, and loving.  LOVE is a friend, a mentor, a father, a mother, and a guide. Part of Coaching is finding our way back to love, to the source of our being, our truest essence so we can fully embrace and live in the joy of walking in our life's purpose and calling. That is my hope for you, may you experience love in all its fullness. 




Feelings are Messages from our Soul


Intuition vs. Intuitive