Just like lighting a candle to focus your intention, setting new moon wishes, or meditating on a mantra, crystals serve as a tool to provide you with a reminder of your intentions and goals. They can help you remember to shift your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want, which helps us attract the good.

For those new to the energy world, everything is energy and everything is energy and has its own unique vibration, even you. (If you are into the scientific details, look up Human Energy Field.) It’s important to think of crystals as something you work with that like you has its own unique makeup and vibration. I like to treat mine like good friends, frequently spending time with them, meditating with them, and making sure I take good care of them, meaning cleansing them as appropriate.

Crystals vibrations promote positivity and have healing energies. I recommend this article that goes into the scientific means behind why crystals can heal.

Getting Started

  • Pick your stone (If you received one as a gift after a session with me, know that it chose you.)

  • Hold the stone(s) in your hand. (If you are working with one that is too large to hold you can simply look at it.)

  • Read the Healing Properties it is associated with as well as the Chakra. Contemplate on what you are drawn to in the description, what resonates, and what your intuition is guiding you to about this stone. If you are unfamiliar with the Chakras you can find a description of each in my post here.

  • Use the affirmation (either the one provided with the stone, or one provided for the chakra to shift your focus to what you want.

  • Keep the stone with you and every time you see or touch it remember why you are working with it.

Remember the card you received with your crystal is just a snippet of what it represents as a whole. Each crystal has a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical use, as well as specific divine guidance. They also relate a specific planet, number(s), element, and astrological sign, all of which can provide you with additional information on why it chose you to work with. I highly encourage you to do a more in depth search on the specific crystal you received or are working with. The internet is a great place to start. I also recommend the book Crystals, Minerals and Stones by Lembo.

If you are looking for more information on how to work with crystals or simply more insight into your life and current situations look into booking a free exploratory session or a intuitive spirit messages sessions.


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