The Message of Birds

I am actually an avid bird watcher and have been for years now. There is something about just sitting and watching what the Universe brings to you in nature. Birds, for me, are a source of awe and symbolism. From the fountain my grandmother gifted us in our front yard, to the bird feeder attached to my office window, viewing and identifying birds has become a family hobby. I had to take notice when over the past 24 hours I have seen two rather impressive birds that I had not seen before.

Last night during one of my coaching sessions my client noticed a large woodpecker working diligently on a tree right outside the window. Yes, I have seen many different species of woodpeckers, both in Michigan and here in Virginia, but this one was huge. It was the size of a large crow. I pulled out my trusty field guide this morning and was able to identify this 16-20” long species as a Pileated Woodpecker, the largest woodpecker species we have here in Virginia. This prompted me to look up the spiritual meaning of the bird.

Pileated Woodpecker Spiritual Meaning

This birds essence is about the power of nature and the magic it posseses. It is through to be a spiritual messenger and can teach us how to use our personal power wisely. It is about self-discovery and can show us the way to our highest potential. It’s also about protection, healing, and rebirth. There drumming is associated with natures heartbeat and represents our bond with Mother Earth, and the continuous energy flowing through all living beings.

Symbolism and Traits

  • Strength

  • Rebirth

  • Good Fortune

  • Luck in Love

  • Determination

  • Perseverance

To me it was reminding me to take the time to reconnect to those signs and symbolisms the Universe is presenting me with in nature. To be still and recognize the direction that is being show to me instead of powering on alone. It’s about reconnecting to the very essence that I fell in love with from early on and to purposefully reestablish that relationship with the divine. It’s not that it’s gone, it’s just that the business of life can often times distract and pull you away from being intentional about fostering that connection.

The second bird that has dropped into my awareness is the Eastern Bluebird. Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t encountered this bird before since we have now lived in Virginia for 4 years, but I have not. This morning there were 4 of them on the window feeder in my office. They are such a magnificent, beautiful bird, reminding me of my other favorite, the robin. Their brilliant blue coloring and blush hugh was so picturesque. Once I had identified what type of bird it was I was off looking up its spiritual meaning.

Bluebird Spiritual Meaning

Bluebirds are artistic, mystical, and spiritual in nature. They are a symbol of hope, harmony, and renewal. They can mean that you may find fulfillment and prosperity in your future endeavors. Bluebirds are said to come into your life when you are giving up your happiness for something or someone. It’s about transition and self-renewal. If you have lost connection with your inner child the bluebird can remind you how to find the playful joy. It is also about appreciating what you have in front of you and letting go of the need for more. Bluebirds remind us to spread joy and to keep a positive attitude. They are also a symbol of being grounded.

Symbolism and Traits

  • Hope

  • Love

  • Harmony

  • Renewal

  • Peace

  • Illumination

  • Empowerment

I thought it was also important to look into the number 4 since that is specifically how many were visiting my feeder.

Spiritual Meaning of the Number 4

Four means practicality, stability, and order in numerology. Numerology is a type of divination that believes each number has a “vibration” that holds special significance, and can influence one’s life. The number 4 is focused on advancing oneself and securing the future. It’s a return to the basics. It also means that your spiritual guides are close by and are actively helping you reach your goals so pay attention to the signs and remember to ask them for help.

To me this is reminding me that I’m again not at this alone. That I have a Divine support team that is always working behind the scenes. I believe this has alot to do with my career path and life purpose. It’s reminding me to make sure that what I do I enjoy and love. It’s redirecting me to focus on my passions rather than what would bring the greatest financial reward. Specifically for me it is calling me to be the creative channel that I have always been both through speaking and writing and definately through teaching. It’s about trusting myself, my divine wisdom, and my intution instead of letting a fear of lack make decisions for me.

When we take the time to look and interpret the signs we can gain the knowledge and wisdom we desire and need to live a life we love.

Much love and light,



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