Mabon-Autumn Equinox
Mabon is the official start of Autumn where we remember what we “sowed” in the preceding year and give thanks for the rewards we have reaped and anticipate to reap. It’s about the energies that we instill into the earth and what this gives back to us. A reminder of what we sow is what we reap.
Mabon is a lesser Sabbat, and is linked to the sun. It’s name came from the Welsh god mythology, the son of Modron, the Earth Mother Goddess and Child of Light.
What is it About?
It is a time for forgetting old business and releasing it to prepare for the recuperation, relaxation and reflection of the upcoming season. It honors the death and and ageing cyclies, the spirit realm and the sage and crone deities.
It’s the perfect time to finish up tasks, and to let go of things no longer required or wanted. To reflect on the goals and aspirations of Imbolc and Ostara. It’s a reminder to us that no season lasts forever. It’s the equal balance of light and dark.
Focus: Balance, Harmony, Confidence, Prosperity, Reflection
Symbols: Acorns, Grapes, Wine, Courds, Fallen Leaves, The Cornucopia, Dried Seeds, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Pinecones, Apples, Hay, Scarecrows.
Essential Oils: Marigold, Sage, and Myrrh.
Colors: Deep Green, Dark Red, Orange, Dark Yellow, Dark Brown, Copper, Gold, and Bronze.
Ways to Celebrate
Decorate your home for fall.
Celebrate with friends over a meal.
Go for a walk and gather nature’s bounty, be sure to leave enough for others.
Do an energy cleanse, get rid of any stagnant or bad energy.
Clean the house.
Go apple or pumpkin picking.
Bake some pumpkin or apple treats. (I’ve included my grandmothers famous pumpkin bread recipe below. It also freezes well if you want to make a double batch or share with others.)
Finish projects on your to do list.
Get rid of emotional and physical clutter so your home is calm and peaceful.
Begin a gratitude practice.
Plant bulbs for spring, setting an intention or wish for each one.
Light a yellow or orange candle and give thanks for your safety, happiness and good fortune.
Decorate your alter in Mabon colors and elements.
Set goals for lessening, cutting back and ending bad relationships as well as bad habits and self destructive ways of thinking.