New Moon Wishes: What Are They & Do They Work

When I first began making new moon wishes I was a bit sceptical that they would really work. I was pleasantly surprised that right out of the gate I saw my wishes manifesting before my eyes. It was undeniable, new moon wishing works, especially when your wishes line up with the theme of the astrological sign tied to each moon.

I was so excited that I had to share this with my close friends, I walked them through how to make their wishes and watched them have theirs come true as well. I felt called to continue to help other women learn how to tap into this divine magic by walking them through New Moon Wishing using my step by step workbook. This months New Moon falls on Oct. 25, at 6:47 am EST. New moon wishes must be solidified with in 72 hours of the new moon. This month’s new moon is in Scorpio which is all about power, control, and intimacy (more specifically sex). This new moon is especially powerful for wishing as it is also a partial eclipse, which serves to amplify the wishing power.

If you are curious and want to see if New Moon wishes can help you manifest what you have been looking for you join my New Moon Wishes Class on Monday, October 25th, from 6:30-8:30, the $10 price includes your New Moon Wishes Workbook.

Can’t attend? Download the New Moon Wishes/Intentions Workbook for this month’s Scorpio moon and get started yourself.

In class I go over your how to get the most out of your moon wishes by utilizing you sun and ascending signs, and also which of your houses the new moon falls in, as well as the different characteristics of each New Moon. I walk you through step by step how to select your wishes, the best way to word them for the most effect, and how to utilize specific wish focused affirmations throughout the 4 weeks following the new moon.

Check back each month as I continue to add a new workbooks and additional classes.


Intuitive Divination Tools: Bibliomancy


Mabon-Autumn Equinox