A Beginner’s Guide to Oracle Decks: Getting Started on Your Spiritual Journey
Embarking on a journey with oracle decks can be an illuminating experience, especially for beginners seeking guidance and insight into life's mysteries. Unlike tarot, oracle cards offer a more accessible entry point into the world of divination, crafted by intuitives, psychics, and mediums to resonate with diverse themes and messages. In this guide, we'll explore the essentials of getting started with oracle decks, from selecting the right one for you to cleansing your deck and conducting your first reading.
Benefits of Using an Oracle Deck:
Connection to Intuition: Oracle decks serve as a conduit to tap into your intuition, providing clarity beyond overthinking.
Insight and Clarity: Gain valuable insights into situations, decisions, and life's deeper meanings.
Assistance in Decision-Making: Receive guidance and direction when faced with choices or uncertainties.
Understanding and Meaning: Deepen your understanding of life's experiences and events, finding meaning and purpose in them.
Intimate Connection: Forge a personal bond with your intuition, empowering you to navigate life's journey with confidence.
How to Select the Right Deck For You
The key to selecting the perfect oracle deck lies in trusting your intuition. Whether browsing online or in a local store, listen to the inner calling that draws you to a particular deck. Trust that feeling of resonance and connection—it's a sign that the deck is meant for you. Remember, even if a deck doesn't initially resonate, it may hold significance for future use, as every card has its purpose and message.
First Things First: Cleansing Your Deck
Upon receiving your oracle deck, it's essential to cleanse it of any lingering energies. This can be done through smudging with sage, using a quartz crystal, burying the deck in salt, or placing it under a full moon. Cleansing clears the deck of any external energies, ensuring a fresh start for your readings.
Once cleansed, take time to connect with each card individually, allowing them to absorb your energy and intentions. This process establishes a personal connection between you and your deck, enhancing the accuracy and resonance of your readings.
Getting Started
With your deck cleansed and charged, it's time to embark on your first reading. Many oracle decks come with sample readings in their instruction books, providing helpful guidance for beginners. Start with simple one-card readings for daily inspiration or guidance, gradually expanding to three or five-card spreads for deeper insight into situations or decisions.
Before conducting a reading, ground yourself and set your intention by connecting with the Earth's energy and stating your question or request for guidance. Shuffle the cards, cut them into three piles, and then put the piles back together, you can either intuitively select the cards that resonate with you by spreading them out or drawing what you are lead to, or you can pull from the top of the deck instead.
As you begin your journey with oracle decks, trust in your intuition and embrace the magic of the cards. Allow them to guide you on your path of self-discovery, growth, and spiritual awakening. With each reading, may you find clarity, insight, and inspiration to navigate life's twists and turns with grace and confidence.
My Favorite Decks

Now that you've taken the first steps on your oracle card journey, it's time to delve deeper into the art of card spreads and readings. Whether you're seeking clarity on a specific question, navigating life's challenges, or simply exploring your spiritual path, card spreads offer a structured framework to uncover insights and guidance from the cards.
From simple one-card draws to intricate multi-card spreads, there's a vast array of options to suit every need and preference. Join me as we venture into the next stage of your oracle card journey, where we'll unlock the secrets of card spreads and embark on transformative readings that illuminate your path with wisdom and clarity. Get ready to deepen your connection with the cards and uncover the magic that awaits within each draw.
Meet the Author
Julie Batchos is a gifted intuitive, spirit messenger, animal communicator, practitioner of energy and sound, plus a powerful holistic wellness coach. With over 16 years of experience in the holistic wellness field, Julie is also a seasoned author and spiritual teacher. Her extensive knowledge and unique skills, combined with her intuitive abilities, empower her clients to create profound and lasting transformations within themselves.
Julie is certified in various energy healing modalities including Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Access Bars©, Tuning Fork Therapy, Sound Healing, Vocal Alchemy, Crystal and Aromatherapy Support. Julie’s expertise extends worldwide as she shares her knowledge and unique skill set at spiritual conferences.
Prior to becoming a Board Certified Transformational Life Coach and Holistic Wellness Coach, Julie was an ordained spiritual minister, and also earned her Masters Degree in Education. She currently resides in Haymarket with her husband, 4 children, and 2 beloved fur babies.