Fear or Revere: Friday the 13th

Long before patriarchy taught the world to fear the feminine energy inside of each of us, Friday the 13th was revered as the day of the Goddess. Friday the 13th was a day to honor the Divine Feminine that lives inside each of us. This powerful day was used to manifest, honor creativity, and celebrate beauty and wisdom. It was a day for the nourishment of the soul.

13 is not only the number of the feminine but also the moon. The moon has 13 cycles and as women we also generally have 13 moon times or periods each year. Long ago when women were bleeding, they were considered the embodiment of the divine and believed to have magical powers. Women were highly regarded by all during her moon time for her divine wisdom ability to receive and offer intuitive and psychic messages.

Likewise when a women was ovulating she was considered to be at the height of her power and was celebrated for her ability to hold and create new life. Friday the 13th generally falls at this point in the moon cycle.

Patriarchy feared this divine feminine power and creative force and made women feel ashamed and “dirty” while bleeding. (Just read the old testament.) Patriarchy not just feared but envied women’s power to create and to connect to the magic and power within. It made them dangerous because they were harder to control as they were tapped into the source instead of being spoon fed by another.

This attitude of shame and distrust has helped to enforce the idea that Friday the 13th should be feared instead of revered.

Friday is also Venus Day, the amazing Goddess of love, sex, money, and pleasure further encouraging us to create, by bringing art, music and healing into the world. Friday the 13th is a day that should be celebrated as we honor the feminine that lives within us and and we honor the cycles of creation, death and rebirth.

How to Celebrate Friday the 13

  • Spend time creating. (Whatever that looks like to you.)

  • Take time to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of you and what is around you.

  • Spend time getting clarity on what you would like to manifest. It’s a great time to manifest anything around love, sex, money, and pleasure. (Thank you Venus.)


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