Intuitive Outlook 12/4-12/11

Personal Intuitive Outlook

Instructions: Place your feet flat on the floor, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth clearing your mind. Look at the cards and see which one you felt draw too, Left, Right or Center. Then read below for your Personal Intuitive Outlook.

Wild Woman Rising Oracle Deck by Angi Sullings

Weekly Intuitive Collective Message from Julie

My beautiful soul while much is happening around you that doesn’t mean that you must step into the chaos. Your happiness and peace are your priority right now. Don’t let anyone or anything take that away.

This is a good time for you to look back on all of the ways you have grown over these past 3-6 months. Recognize your own growth, remember that growth comes in stages and we never stop growing and expanding. It’s not a destination to get to, it’s a never ending adventure to embrace.

When we recognize and can embrace our value and the beauty we bring to the world simply by being our unique authentic self, we will never want to shield our true self from others again. Women need your authenticity, you need your authenticity, give yourself permission. It’s time to recognize that the universe is calling you to connection, to connect with those who have been pulled to you because you have exactly what they need and they have what you are looking for. Connection takes intention, time, vulnerability, and trust, allow yourself the gift of investing in your authentic connections, your soul will glow with the happiness of being seen in another.

Don’t let your own insequirty or inner judgement keep you from making those connections for as much as you need them so do they. This season is about connecting: to ourselves, to others, to our sexuality, to our creative powers, to our divine intuitive wisdom. It’s a time for reflecting on what we want our life to look like and getting clear on that vision so that we can begin to successfully manifest it.

Left: Remember Kindness

Elephants have long been associated with memory, with family, and with strength Remember your ancestors, hold their stories in your hands like raw beating treasure. You are alive because of someone’s generosity and kindness. When you could not care for yourself, someone carried you. Remembe this kindness and pass it on as living legacy. For when kindness is shared, memories are kindled, and Wild Woman Rises.

*Julie’s Tip: Sometimes kindness can look like allowing others to care for us. Make sure that their is balance in the giving and taking in your relationships and if needed set healthy boundaries. If you need help setting healthy boundaries consider booking a FREE Transformational Life Coaching Call.

Center: Rest Deep

Be easy with you. You are home to a soul, a breathing piece of the eternal magic. Just like the swan who glides over open waters, you too can move with grace, but only when you gift yourself with quiet and ease. These come with rest. Allow yourself to have time just for you. When we create a safe place for solitude and stillness, Wild Woman Rises.

*Julie’s Tip: Schedule self care into your calendar this week, aim for a minimum of 10-15 minutes of doing something that will fill your cup and enlighten your soul. Feeling depleted or drained? Schedule an energy healing session to instantly refill your cup.

Right: Release Perfectionism

You can’t speak butterfly language with caterpillar people. So stop trying so hard to please, persuade, and fit in. Have patience with all that’s unresolved in your heart and seek out others who burn with the same need for transformation that you do. When we get up from the table where love is no longer being served, and we seek out the place we are celebrated rather than tolerated, Wild Woman Rises.

Julie’s Tip: Looking for a tribe of people who speak your language? I have a group of powerful amazing women who meet in person in Haymarket, Virginia every month to encourage and uplift. Email me for more information.


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