Are You an Empath?

What is an Empath?

Empaths feel and absorb the energy around them at a deeper level than any other kind of person or psychic. This isn’t just knowing or having a feeling about something; empaths feel other people’s emotions and physical issues as if they were their own. Being a psychic and an empath is the perfect combination for being a healer and it is one of the reasons I believe I was called into this area.

Are You an Empath?

Take the quiz below to find out.

Types of Empaths

Physical Empaths.  Who are tuned in other people’s physical symptoms and tend to absorb them into their body. They can also become energized by someone’s sense of well-being.

Emotional Empaths. Who pick up other people’s emotions and are almost like a sponge for collecting their feelings.

Intuitive Empaths.  Experience extraordinary perceptions such as heightened intuition,  telepathy,  messages  in dreams,  animal  and  plant communication,  and mediumship abilities.

Let’s look a little be more at the 7 different gifts of intuitive empaths

  • Telepathic Empaths receive intuitive information about others in present time.

  • Precognitive Empaths have premonitions about the future while awake or dreaming.

  • Dream Empaths are avid dreamers and can receive intuitive information from dreams that helps others and guides them in their own lives.

  • Mediumship Empaths can access spirits on the Other Side.

  • Plant Empaths can feel the needs of plants and connect with their essence.

  • Earth Empaths are attuned to changes in our planet, our solar system, and the weather.

  • Animal Empaths can tune in to animals and communicate with them.

You can be one type of empath or all or a combination of them. I am primarily an Intuitive and Emotional Empath but have had some Physical Empath Experiences.

The first step in becoming an empowered empath is recognizing and accepting the gift.


Saying Goodbye to Molly


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