Feminine vs. Masculine

Last night when I was up at 3:00am I was drawn to the divine feminine, which has been coming up alot lately in my spiritual practice. The divine feminine and divine masculine energies are inside of each and every one of us, no matter where we fall on the gender spectrum. However, they need balance to function properly and in balance and right now that isn’t happening in our world.

For a long time after leaving a traditional religious setting I struggled with embracing the divine masculine as it had been represented to me in the darkest ways. One of the many things that struck me in her lecture was when she was speaking about the feminine versus the masculine. She was speaking on how the masculine, represents doing, it is the to do mentality at its worst it looks like a preoccupation with power and control. It would look like, strive, get, reject or use and finally dominate. Racial, sexual, and religious intolerance along with gender inequality and materialism and no concern for mother earth arise from this imbalance.

The feminine represents being, or to be. The feminine side is intuitive, vulnerable, and authentic, as well as a creator. You find compassion and interdependence. However, the feminine has been hiding in many due to the patriarchal society that silencing the feminine has created. I believe the feminine was silenced out of that need to control and fear. At it’s worst the feminine side can look like codependency, manipulation, insecurity, inauthenticity and cruel. The divine feminine and divine masculine are inside of each and every one of us no matter where we are on the gender spectrum, but they need balance and right now our world is starving for the feminine.

The divine feminine is known by many names in different cultures and religions but it is the half of a greater whole. The divine feminine and divine masculine were created to work together inside each of us, it is only when there is imbalance that we start to see problems arise.

Both the feminine and masculine voices and essences need to be heard, embraced, and utilized in each of our own spiritual journeys, in order for us to mature and function from completeness.  

The more and more I sit with things I'm beginning to think this journey isn't so much about becoming , but about unbecoming, all that we never truly were.  It's not about learning who we are, because we have always known it deep down.  It's about peeling off the layers that we've embraced over the years that have hidden and distorted our true identities.

This can be known as the journey of remembering who we have always been. It’s the traversing back to the start and being brave enough to embrace our authentic truth.

We will never be able to fully love and accept ourselves if we are muting either the feminine or masculine aspects with in each of us. To deny one half is to deny our truest self.  Only through the feminine can we truly understand, and embrace what it means to simply be and through the masculine we can.


Intuition Development: Daily Questions to Build Your Intuition


The Silencing of Women